Celebrating our volunteers – Volunteer Week at Havering Museum
This Tuesday a group of ten volunteers from Havering Museum were invited to Queen’s Theatre in Hornchurch to recieve a Volunteer Award from the Mayor of Havering. The Museum was asked by Havco to nominate 10 volunteers who had completed 100 hours of volunteering to the museum. Havering Museum also chose to recognise volunteers who had made a significant contribution to the museum, ensured that visitors and other volunteers felt welcome or had shown real development in their role. The award was part of Havering’s 50th birthday celebrations and on the day many other volunteer organisations from the borough attended the ceremony to recognise their volunteers as well.
The award was also part of a wider celebration for Volunteers Week which recognises the contribtions of volunteers all over the country. As a volunteer led museum, Havering Museum has a special vote of thanks to all our vounteers who keep the museum running and do such a fantastic job of welcoming people to the museum and caring for its exhibits and collection. Whatever your role at Havering Museum, may we offer a big “Thank You” to all of our volunteers, and a special “Well done” to the ten volunteers who recieved their award on Tuesday, a few of whom you can see in our picture above.