Did you know?… Romford High Street
The Havering Museum is situated in part of the old Romford Brewery Building, in the High Street, that dates back to the 1700s. Most people in Havering are familiar with the building and many will have worked there for Ind Coope at some time before it closed in 2001.
However, most people would not be aware that the High Street was the old Roman Road 9,that stretched from Mile End in London to Romford, Chelmsford, Colchester and Norwich.
It was obviously the main route for the Romans travelling Road 9 to and from London to Colchester. It is also very likely there was a staging post for the Roman legions to rest after a long march from London on the outskirts of Romford, called Durolitum.
The High Road would also have been travelled by the Saxon Warrior Queen, Boudicca, on her way to attack London after sacking Colchester.
Our Kings and Queens of England, from Edward the Confessor to Charles 1st used the High Street on their journeys to and from the country’s first Royal Palace at Havering-atte-Bower. That included Elizabeth 1st, who probably visited Romford on many occasions and Henry V111 whose children were educated at Gidea Hall.