Havering Hedgehogs Exhibition
This Saturday was the exhibition party for our first Havering Hedgehogs exhibition. The Havering Hedgehogs is our very own childrens club which meets every Saturday during term time for children aged 4 years to 11 years old. We look at a variety of subject based on the museums exhibits and local events. The exhibition displayed our work mainly from this last year where we have looked at subjects such as Springwatch, Fossils, Model making, Knights, Portraiture, Quilting and “Mine’s a Pint” which linked in with our exhibition of that same name. Morgan, a member of our Hedgehogs describes the activities, “Recently we have been learning at about interesting subjects that happened through out the timeline”.
Pictures of Kingfishers made by the children from our Springwatch session.
Pictures of pub signs from our “Mine’s a Pint” activity.
We also ran a poster competition which was won by Keira and her winning entry can be seen displayed in the museums notice board along with three other highly commended entries.
Along with our Hedgehogs members and their friends and families, we invited some special guests to our party. Laura Turnage who was the museums previous Education Officer and Curator, Adam Corsini who ran the Unearthing Havering sessions from London Museum of Archaeology, Mr and Mrs Silk who visited the Hedgeehogs to make models out of recycled materials and previous member Alyssa and her Mum. It was lovely to see our friends old and new and catch up on what the Hedgehogs have been doing. Ricky kept the children (and parents!) entertained with some balloon modelling and we also had a treasure hunt where the children followed clues around the museum to discover the hidden treasure, chocolate coins!
Alot of hard work was put in to the exhibition by all of the children and Hedgehog team, along with help from the exhibition team. Special thanks goes to Ellen and Pete for producing the DVD which we had fun watching on the day.
Allanah, from our Hedgehogs group sums up why she enjoys our group, “I like Hedgehogs because we learn about Havering.” She also tells us that “I might want to get a job here because the people are so nice.” Well, we will be pleased to have you back Allanah and hope that all the children continue to enjoy Hedgehogs as much as they do now.
Havering Hedgehogs meet every Saturday in term time and is for children aged 4 – 11 years old. Fees are £12 per year and the first session is FREE. New members always welcome.